Are You Tired Of Trying Diets That Don’t Work?

You’ve been struggling to lose weight, and you’ve attempted several diets without long-term success. Restricting food only makes your cravings worse. Even when you do lose a few pounds, you seem to gain the weight back just as quickly.

Maybe you’ve tried to cut back on certain foods, only to end up binge eating after a few days. Perhaps you genuinely want to lose weight in a healthy way, but you’re on the verge of giving up because nothing you’ve done so far has helped. Worst of all, you may feel disappointed in yourself and wonder why you keep “failing” when it comes to diets.

Weight Gain Can Contribute To Chronic Health Issues

Being overweight can raise your risk of developing other chronic diseases and symptoms, and increase your overall morbidity. You may be suffering from other diagnosis like high cholesterol, and hypertension. You may be struggling with symptoms of chronic pain and fatigue. Obesity can also contribute to insulin resistance, and in the long run, this can ultimately lead to diabetes.

Weight gain doesn’t just affect your physical health, it can negatively impact your mental health and emotional wellbeing. If you want to lose weight, you might feel discouraged from going to social gatherings or spending time with friends. You may even tell yourself that once you lose the weight, you’ll be able to socialize again—but your insecurities hold you back from pursuing meaningful relationships. You might worry that people will judge you for your weight.

When you’re trying to lose weight, yet making little progress, it’s easy to feel defeated. Thankfully, you can take a healthy approach to weight loss with weight management treatment. With personalized support and coaching, you can learn to keep the weight off and improve your overall mental and physical health.

Millions Of Americans Struggle With Obesity

Obesity is at an epidemic rate, particularly in this country. Many people have trouble maintaining a healthy weight. Weight gain can increase one’s risk of developing Type 2 diabetes. It is not uncommon for individuals in their twenties or thirties to receive a diagnosis for this disease.

Furthermore, childhood obesity is widespread. With most physicians only receiving about eight hours of training in nutrition throughout their education, many people struggling with weight loss do not have a place to turn for support or guidance for real solutions.

Why Is It So Difficult To Lose Weight?

Packaged and processed foods contain high levels of added sugar. In fact, even people who try to carefully read nutrition facts may not realize how much sugar they consume, as sugar can appear under many different names on an ingredient list. Unwittingly consuming so much sugar only increases cravings for sweets and causes people to overeat—after all, sugar itself has no nutritional value, and is highly addictive. Sugar increases inflammation, and inflammation is the root cause of most disease processes.

Furthermore, lots of people do not realize that their hormone levels drop as they age and that hormonal imbalances is a major contributor to weight gain. This loss of hormones slows down metabolism. Without adjusting certain lifestyle habits accordingly, it’s easy to gain weight as the years go on. This in combination with a poor lifestyle can lead to insulin resistance. Additionally, some medications can cause weight gain as a side effect, which creates a cycle that is difficult to break out of.

Unfortunately, many people who want to lose weight have trouble doing so because they have internalized outdated information about nutrition and dieting. They may think that they need to severely restrict their caloric intake or eat special “diet” foods, neither of which is sustainable or healthy. When these techniques don’t work, they worry that they’ve failed.

But people don’t fail diets—diets fail people. That’s why it’s good to see a doctor who understands the importance of taking a holistic approach to weight loss. It is imperative to balance your hormones, fit exercise into your schedule, detox your liver and gut and nourish yourself with satiating, healthy foods. It is also important to have sound coaching to mentor you through this process.

You Can Lose Weight Without Strict Diets With A Healthier Approach to Weight Management

For decades, I worked as an OB/GYN within the standard healthcare model. In 2017, however, I closed my surgical practice and shifted to offering bioidentical hormone replacement therapy and other preventative healthcare services. That’s when I began learning more about the healing power of nutrition. I am currently pursuing additional certifications in health coaching to deepen my knowledge in the areas of nutrition and fitness.

You might be hesitant to pursue help for weight loss, especially if you’ve had trouble maintaining your motivation or suffered from poor experiences with “crash diets” in the past. Our medical system and food industry are not designed to support holistic health or promote proper nutrition. That’s why I encourage you to remember that your dieting struggles are not your fault. In my practice, I aim to educate and mentor you on strategies for lifelong health and empower you to take action for your own wellbeing.

What To Expect In Weight Management Treatment

To get started, we’ll spend time going over your medical history and taking stock of your current lifestyle habits. For example, we’ll discuss your activity levels, diet, sleep schedule, current stressors, and any cravings you’re dealing with. I will also order blood tests and other specialized panels so that we can evaluate your hormone levels and determine if you’re dealing with any nutritional deficiencies. The combined details from these comprehensive tests will allow us to get to the root cause of your dieting struggles so that we can identify exactly what changes you need to make in order to heal.

If you’re taking medications for other medical conditions, I’ll help you connect the dots between the potential side effects of these prescriptions and your weight gain. In addition to delving into your personal history, I’ll also explain how all of these factors intersect and affect your weight and metabolism. We will start pinpointing specific dietary changes that you can make and determine how to best fit these changes into your lifestyle.

Developing Your Unique Weight Management Plan

Once I have a thorough understanding of your lifestyle and any comorbidities, it’s time to begin implementing positive changes into your life. Depending on your personal needs, this could mean working on strategies to help you cut down on sugar and processed foods, fixing your sleep schedule, or finding forms of exercise that make you feel energized and motivated.

Because we are exposed to toxins all the time, detoxification is necessary to create a good foundation for building your new healthy lifestyle habits.

I can prescribe BHRT to bring your hormones back into balance and help you along your weight loss journey. Furthermore, if you are taking medications that contribute to your weight gain, we will also assess whether or not you could alleviate these symptoms through lifestyle changes instead.

When you understand how all of your lifestyle choices affect your weight, longevity, and overall well-being, it’s easier to stay committed to making changes. With mentoring and support, I am confident that you can enjoy a better quality of life for years to come.

But You May Still Have Questions About Weight Management Coaching…

I’ve already tried so many dietscan your approach actually help me?

If you’ve turned to short-term diets to lose weight in the past, you might be worried that nothing will help you lose weight and keep it off. But “diets” cannot help you improve your overall health in the long run—to achieve this, you need to commit to long-term lifestyle changes. Doing so is the primary focus of weight management treatment in my practice. That’s what makes my approach more effective than other dietary methods.

I think it’s too late for me to improve my health.

It’s never too late to start making changes and investing in your health. Even if you’ve been unhappy with your weight for years, you have the power to transform your lifestyle. With direction and support, I believe that you can reach your health and fitness goals no matter where you are in life.

Will balancing my hormones really impact my weight?

Many people do not realize that their hormone levels can have a drastic effect on their weight. When your hormones are out of balance, your body will store excess fats. Over time, fat storage can affect your metabolic state and cause you to develop insulin resistance, which is the root cause of many disease processes. This is why I specifically focus on addressing hormonal imbalances when I work with clients on weight management.

You Can Lose Weight And Invest In Your Health

If diets have left you frustrated and desperate, it’s time to pursue long-term healing for weight loss. If you’re interested in taking a holistic approach to weight management, you can learn more about my practice by scheduling a free 15-minute phone consultation

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