Holistic Medicine Can Offer An All-Natural Solution To Your Health Concerns

Maybe despite the prescription drugs you use, you’ve continued to experience symptoms from a health issue. Yet when you shared your troubles with your doctor, they ignored your concerns. Despite this lackadaisical response, you know that something is wrong—even with no official diagnosis! 

Perhaps you’ve also been through routine testing and still have no medical proof for what you feel. Or if you’re on medication that has helped, you may still suffer from uncomfortable side effects. Perhaps you just want a health solution without the added stress of pushback from a doctor, interference from your insurance company, or side effects. 

The Limits of Traditional Medicine

Traditional medicine does a great deal of good, but at times it can fall short in its ability to offer comprehensive support for your health and well-being. As a result, it can diminish your quality of life. And if your health has plateaued or worsened, you’re probably feeling frustrated, depressed, or anxious. In addition, you may be having trouble trusting your doctor’s advice, since nothing has provided relief so far.

Though holistic nor traditional medicine can solve every problem, be aware of the fact that there are alternative solutions that offer a bridge to effective healthcare. Holistic medicine offers a more natural personalized way with lifestyle changes to heal yourself both physically and in many cases mentally, without the fear of experiencing inadequate care from a traditional provider. 

We Trust What We Know

For years, traditional medicine has focused on ”the fix” rather than the prevention. Yet the reality for many of us is that our health would improve significantly if we could just prevent some of the illnesses we are at risk for developing.

We would all undoubtedly lead healthier lives without diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, and some of the adverse side effects of aging. Yet even when we understand how holistic treatment can benefit us, the fear of the unknown keeps us from seeking out alternative methods to improve our lives—after all, we only trust what we know.

We Often Base Decisions on Misinformation 

A study from 2001, the WHI (Women’s Health Initiative study), focused on the danger of using synthetic hormones to curb the effects of menopause. Now, more than 20 years later, many physicians still uphold this study as “Gospel”, despite the fact that over time researchers have realized that this study was flawed and the data was misinterpreted. Yet, it's still held as the gold standard.

Understandably, this perspective can influence our opinions about alternative health resources, such as bioidentical hormones, vitamins, and supplements. Therefore, many of us view traditional medicine as safer than an alternative approach like natural medicine. Why? Because traditional medicine is the norm we have grown to trust despite its failures.    

Yet, the benefits of holistic medicine have been proven with time and research. It’s been demonstrated that holistic medicine can offer not only prevention but in some cases it can offer a cure to health problems, allowing you to experience more optimal health outcomes, no matter your stage in life.

Holistic Medicine Can Boost Your Quality Of Life 

If you currently struggle with your medical provider, if you simply desire treatment that offers more personal autonomy, or if you are trying to maintain and improve upon your current good state of health, then holistic medicine might be for you. Since the body functions as a whole, a natural, holistic approach to medicine looks at the whole person, not just individual portions, and helps to build a solid, health-based foundation for a more fulfilling life.

I provide a transparent and compassionate environment so you can identify the root cause of your health issues. And to offer this support, I bring to the table more than 30 years in medicine as a Board-certified OB-GYN. In my current practice as a wellness doctor, I’ve helped many clients find natural and effective solutions for hormonal imbalances that can have an impact on chronic health conditions, disease, and autoimmune disorders, among others.

client Education—A Crucial Component of Treatment

client education is a key component of my holistic medicine approach. Through client education, you can better understand the varied aspects of your personalized treatment plan. I’ve found that client education helps to remove some of the mental blocks, fears, and concerns my clients sometimes experience surrounding this newer field.

client education can also provide you with a strong foundation to draw from, should you encounter pushback from traditional providers.

Throughout the course of your treatment, I will share videos, manuals, evidence-based medical resources, book recommendations, and other materials that support these treatment methods. I will also offer insight into my own educational processes, such as new findings from conferences, for example. 

The Basic Steps of the Treatment Process

Then, the process for treatment can be summed up in four simple steps:

  1. We begin with an initial 15-minute consult to see if we are a good fit. I will ask about your medical history, current health issues, and your goals for holistic treatment.

  2. If we are a good fit, then we can start the intake process via the client consultation packet, which includes a comprehensive questionnaire. I may also request medical records, various diagnostic studies, and labs.

  3. In your first appointment, we will review the questionnaire and other documents. By the end, we will have a plan of action.

  4. Two weeks later, I will follow up to check in to see how you are settling into your new regimen and set an appointment for a second consultation. In the second meeting, we will review symptoms and overall health, making adjustments to your regimen as needed. Consultations are scheduled from here on out every four to six months or as needed.

During your consultations, we review goals and current problems with each visit and edit as needed. Once an issue is resolved, we remove it from the list. This solution-oriented approach allows you to treat ongoing health issues, develop healthier habits, and live a well-balanced lifestyle.

Since 2016, I’ve had the rewarding experience of working independently with clients to address current and ongoing issues they face to improve their overall quality of life. Holistic medicine has allowed many of them to find balance and good health. 

Part of the journey with clients is to help them find that balance in their lives that is not only critical to good health, but also critical to overall well-being. I believe that it can do the same for you. 

Maybe You Still Have Questions About Holistic Medicine...

I don’t really know what holistic medicine is or how it can help me.

I like to provide my clients with as much education as possible about holistic medicine. It is not a new field, but an emerging field that has been shrouded in mystery, so I will use every opportunity to educate you, sharing information on new evidence-based practices, literature, and web resources that give you more insight into how a new approach can work for you.

I’m not sure. What makes you different from traditional doctors?

I have worked with clients who have been bullied by traditional providers, and if this is your situation as well, I understand the difficulty you might have of trying something new when it’s frowned upon. In fact, sometimes, my clients do not initially share with their traditional provider that they’re working with a wellness doctor out of fear of being ostracized or dropped from their medical services. It is an unfortunate truth.

I’d love to invite you to a free consultation call to learn more about how a more holistic approach can help your particular health situation. And I am confident that once you begin seeing results, you will feel more convinced about the benefits of holistic medicine.

Experience A New Alternative To Health And Happiness 

You don’t have to depend primarily on traditional medicine for your health—there are other ways to experience the high quality of life you deserve. And it starts with taking charge of your health. If you’re ready to see how holistic medicine can work for you, I invite you to call me for a free 15-minute consultation.

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