Why Holistic Medicine Is More Than Just A Quick Fix

Maybe you’ve been struggling with your health for a while, and you’ve been prescribed various medications to keep your symptoms under control. Perhaps some of these prescriptions have provided some temporary, short-term relief - but overall, you don’t feel much better. Day in and day out, you wonder what it would be like to feel your best. Yet it seems like you don’t have many options besides relying on medication.

Holistic healthcare represents a different approach to managing symptoms and treating health conditions. How does focusing on holistic health differ from the traditional medical model, and how can it benefit you? Let’s explore what holistic health really means.

Addressing The Root Cause

In the world of health and medicine, the term “holistic” refers to treating the whole person, rather than merely looking for a quick fix to cover up their symptoms. Taking a holistic perspective on health means considering how your habits, environment, genetics, personal health history, and even your relationships might be influencing your health. With this approach, a holistic health practitioner will work to identify and treat the root cause of your symptoms, instead of looking for ways to mask the symptoms.

Developing Long-Term Habits

Healing yourself holistically means taking a look at your long-term habits and creating routines that truly serve you. This includes your diet, your physical activity levels, your sleep schedules, your screen time and social media usage, and any other habits you might engage in on a regular basis.

You may need to work on changing some of these habits if they’ve been harming your health. You’re not trying to change all of your habits overnight and implement strict health routines - instead, you’re aiming for sustainable, long-term changes that you can keep up with for years to come.

Mental Health Considerations

Holistic health also includes your mental health. Your physical health and your mental health will always be intertwined. For instance, nutrient deficiencies and hormonal imbalances can contribute to conditions like depression and anxiety. On the other hand, a condition like anxiety can drastically affect your physical health - you might have trouble sleeping, feel nauseous, experience frequent headaches, or even suffer from panic attacks that give you severe chest pain. With a holistic course of treatment, you’ll work on healing your mental and physical health in tandem.

Genuine Self-Care

At its core, holistic health is about learning the art of genuine self-care. This does not necessarily mean self-indulgence. Taking care of yourself means paying attention when your body gives you red flags that something is wrong, choosing nutritious foods and cooking healthy meals, spending time with people who love and appreciate you, finding a form of exercise you enjoy, going to bed at a reasonable time each night, and establishing a sense of work-life balance. When you learn how to truly take care of yourself, you’ll realize just how important these practices are.

Support Your Healing

Overall, a holistic health practitioner is here to support you in your healing journey. Yes, they might recommend certain supplements, lifestyle changes, or even hormone replacement therapy - but in the end, you have to be the one to take ownership of your life and make the necessary changes. Holistic healing puts you in the driver’s seat. This can seem intimidating at first, but truthfully, it’s empowering. You’ll realize that you do have the power to change your life for the better, and you don’t have to resign yourself to feeling sick.

Are you curious about the benefits of holistic medicine? Reach out to us today to discuss your options for scheduling your first appointment to learn about holistic medicine.